MigPol computes future House of Representatives apportionment based on predicted future state populations. Each state's future population is predicted using the following data: the state's annual growth rate (as a percentage of its population), annual foreign immigration to the state, and net migration among states.
You can view states in MigPol through either a map or a table. In the map view, states are assigned one of 5 colors based on either which quintile they fall into, or simple range spliting. In the table, states are sorted by delegation size, and displayed along with the size of their House of Representatives delegation.
You can change the data which are used to make population predictions. First, click on a state in either the map or the table. The state's name, number of seats (projected), growth rate, net state-to-state migration, and foreign immigration will appear in the State Data panel. Use the buttons in this panel to make changes to these values.
In addition to changing values for a particular state, you can also change
the migration from one state to another. To select a source state, press the
button in the State-to-State
Migs panel, then click on a state in the map or table. To select a
destination state, press the To
button and select a state. Once
you have selected source and destination states, you can change the migration
using the increment and decrement buttons.
You can change foreign immigration to the U.S. in the Immigration panel. This panel displays the current net annual foreign immigration. Use the increment and decrement buttons to change the foreign immigration.
Once you have made changes, you can predict future House of Representatives apportionment based on the new values. Pressing the Update button in the State Data panel will cause MigPol to compute a new apportioment for the current year. Changing the current year in the Year panel will cause MigPol to compute a new apportionment for that year based on the values set for the base year.
The Migrations button in the State Data panel allows you to view the net migration between the selected state and all other states. You can view this data in either a table or a map. The table shows each state's migration to the selected state. The map shows the selected state in white, and other states colored according to the current setting in the Options menu.
After you have made some changes to the state data values, you may wish to revert to the original values. You can revert to original data by selecting the Reset Data item from the File menu. You should see a dialog confirming the reversion to original data.
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