Project GeoSim: Internation Population Module (IntlPop)

GeoSim IntlPop is an applet that exposes students to the population growth and age distribution of selected countries and regions of the world. Population projections for each country can be simulated, and students may modify birth and death rates to investigate any resulting effects on the projected populations.

<XMP> <APPLET ARCHIVE = IntlPop.jar CODE = "GeoSim/IntlPop/IntlPopLoader.class" WIDTH = 80 HEIGHT = 30> </XMP> </APPLET> </CENTER> <NOAPPLET> <CENTER> <FONT SIZE = "+1"> Your browser does not support running this applet. </FONT> </CENTER> <HR NOSHADE> <FONT SIZE = "-1"> <P> To run this applet, you will need one of the following cofigurations: <BR> <BR> <UL> <LI> Netscape Navigator with the Java Plug-in 1.2 and JavaScript 1.1 on: <UL> <LI> Windows 95 </LI> <LI> Windows 98 </LI> <LI> Windows NT 4.0 or later </LI> <LI> Solaris </LI> </UL> </LI> <LI> Microsoft Internet Explorer with the Java Plug-in 1.2 and JavaScript on: <UL> <LI> Windows 95 </LI> <LI> Windows 98 </LI> <LI> Windows NT 4.0 or later </LI> </UL> <LI> Any browser with a JDK 1.2 compliant JVM </LI> </UL> </P> </FONT> </NOAPPLET>

Please wait while the applet loads. It is approximately 136K, so this may take a minute or two, depending upon your connection speed.