Using the Graphical Interface Builder
The GIL Graphical Interface Builder will be used to generate the
following interface elements:
A popup menu named "game_menu" which contains two items:
An item which executes the function "new_game".
An item which executes the function "undo_move".
A "Game" button, tied to the "game_menu" popup menu.
A "Quit" button, which executes the function "quit".
A window named "GameWind" which displays the board. This window contains:
A dragarea named "Game". Events in the "Game" dragarea are reported to
the function "make_move".
A window named "StatusWind" which displays the state of the game: whose
turn it is; who has won, etc. This window contains:
A label reading "Status".
A thick line beneath the label.
A field for displaying the status.