Project GeoSim GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE All Project GeoSim programs, and all files and documents included in any Project GeoSim distribution are Copyright (C) by Virginia Tech except where noted within a file that it is copyrighted by some other source. This GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE discusses the terms and conditions under which you may use, copy and redistribute our products. In general, our goal is to make these products as easy and convenient for you to use, but only so far as 1) We are protected from liability and responsibility for the result of your using them; 2) The general public is protected from the result of your changing them; and 3) You do not make a profit from their further redistribution without first obtaining our permission. The first two conditions are covered by the fact that we hereby include as part of this license all parts of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1, dated February 1989. A copy of this document is contained in the file "copying.doc". The third condition is satisfied by the following additional restriction: You may make copies of a GeoSim program or product and redistribute them under the conditions of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. You may charge a fee for the physical act of producing and distributing the copy. This fee may include a charge for the actual cost to you of the materials involved, as well as a reasonable charge for the labor involved (but never more than $10.00 US for labor per copy distributed). If you wish to distribute our programs or products under less restrictive conditions, you must first receive our express written approval. You can contact the Project GeoSim team via email at or by regular mail to: Project GeoSim c/o Cliff Shaffer Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061