Getting Started

IntlPop is a population simulation program that projects changes in population. Factors such as Birth Rate, Life Expectancy, and Migration Rate affect these projections. IntlPop allows you to modify them and compare changes in the population projections based on different values.

Technical Information

The International Population Module currently runs under any platform that supports the 1.2 Java Runtime Environment.

Microsoft Windows Users: If you are having a problem with the colors, you should set your display to 16 bit color. To do so, go to the Control Panel, and open Display. Under Settings, set the palette to High Color (16 bit).

Working With the Program

At the top of the screen you should see four menus. Press the one labeled 'Help' for more information on how to use this program.

The small window at the bottom of the screen will give you suggestions on what to do next.

To exit the program, first press the menu item marked 'Quit,' then press the button marked 'Ok.'